However, I must think to myself as I write this even: Where were you for the last six, twelve, even twenty-four months ago? You never talk to me, write me, text me, even Facebook me or anything. In fact some of them have ignored me purposely when I've mailed them and then suddenly I am this person that they most want in the entire world. Really? You haven't even seen me for over a year and now that you are ready I should be ready and not only that but I should be ready for everything and it should be with you. What?
One guy took me on a date, a single date. I have not seen him for years. He takes me on one date and then he starts talking about our "relationship? Huh? Where was I when this relationship manifested? Do you think you're the only one in the world that I'm dating? You don't think I've dated anyone else since I saw you three years ago? Also, this same guy would not drop me off after the date. That was really hard, but I am nice. It took me a while, but I finally had to be firm and say, "Ok. You're going to drop me off here." Otherwise he'd have hung out at my house all night. And come on. I'm busy. I got lots of stuff to do, had to meet someone to rent my place and everything . . .
And the ex. Okay. I really used to like this guy a lot - and I mean I was really into him. I thought he was amazing back in the days. I did. However, that was short lived and for good reason. At the time I was fresh from my split. I admit I was needy. I needed validation and this guy really stepped up to that, so in that way he was helpful. However, he fought me at every turn as far as meeting me half way and/or even showing up on time. His job is a factor, but still, he could have taken me out more, and maybe done more things for me. He did some things, but didn't really make me a priority.

And now? He found out I'm single again. I have had texts, pics, declarations . . . . Ugh.

And why would I settle for less than my ideal anyway? Why would I do that ever again? I have met some wonderful, very kind and thoughtful men, and I'm just not sure I could go back to dating someone that isn't thoughtful. I would not settle for a neglectful person, no matter how cool they seem on paper. So, wish me luck in all the rejections I will have to do this week. Ugh. And do not pity me. I'm single and dating, but I don't wish it on anyone. I don't.
If you find something good hold onto it, but always look for more, unless it's your ideal. Don't settle. It's really not worth it and in the end you pay so much more in heartache and time wasted. Don't settle.