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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Online Dating

Another crazy Ame blog. This one, online dating:

Ok. What is with the stigma of "online dating". Someone actually told me, "So and so met their boyfriend online and he's crazy, so you shouldn't meet people online." Uumm. Ok. Huh? See, the thing with online dating, at least the free sites is that YOU pick the people you date. It's not the website choosing them. They just give you a pool of people to choose from. These people put themselves out there, on the line so that YOU can pick from them, as if you were picking tomatoes in the grocery store. You can choose a big ripe juicy one or one with some scars on it and some "character". You can choose tomatoes that are small or large. It's up to you!! I'm sorry. I just don't see the down side. If you are BAD at choosing tomatoes and you do not filter them well enough and you get a rotten one because you didn't see the obvious fault in it, then I'm sorry, but that's going to happen no matter where you got the tomato. You're just bad at picking tomatoes. It doesn't really matter where you met that tomato. Was it at the Farmer's Market fruit stand or Albertsons? Food4Less? Hahaha! See, it doesn't matter where the tomato came from. You picked it.

So, if you're willing to accept a person for who they are, why does it matter if you met at the grocery store, online or at the office? Truth is you can't date anyone at your office. That's a really bad idea. People still meet at work all the time, but it's because they don't have another avenue to use for dating. So, when did "online dating" become so forbidden and tongue in cheek? Is this what you're afraid of? "Did you hear that John Smith is up on Plenty of Fish?? How pathetic. Hahaha. I can't believe he's up there. That's so desperate." Uh, no. That guy's smart. He's saving time and money by filtering through the traits of the people he dates. He's going to find good looking women that are local and meet his criteria.

Imagine for a moment a gentleman who takes women on dates. Let's say he has a blind date. So, they have dinner and a movie and he finds out all about them. He spends $24 for the movies, right? $40 on dinner if it's a nice dinner. I forgot popcorn. If she's spoiled rotten she wants popcorn, candy, and or hispanic. He wants to date someone who already has children, so that they'll understand his devotion to his children. soda. . .What does he get? He probably gets someone that . . he wouldn't date! He wants someone 30-35, who is white, asian Can you tell at a bar, or grocery store if someone has kids already? Can you tell if they are a Christian, Atheist or Catholic? Wouldn't it be easier if you knew those things already? Wouldn't it be nice to meet this person at a Starbucks first to see if you had chemistry before you decided on a short date or a longer one (where you spend tons of money)? These are all assets of the online dating website. You can meet twice as many people, but each person has been "chosen" by you.

For me the criteria is:
1. They can read and write.
2. They make me laugh (at least once).
3. They are not full of themselves.
4. They are relatively confident.

Some things you might get: 
1. How are you this evening? I like your profile. To the point and I agree with you as it works both ways! :)
(This seems like a weird comment, but he programmed me to answer him."Oh. You agree with what?" - I HAD to answer him. Women will always answer these kinds of comments. We are a curious breed. This guy is as good as on a date with me just by having made me "think"!)
2. Your cute and funny, haha! Great job with your profile...
( Positives. He seems fun. He said "haha". Negative: you're is not spelled correctly. Thus I immediately think he's not that educated. Requires more information.)
3. I am funny, I am fit, really, really ridiculously good looking, (Insert "ha ha ha here")..Raider fan,I go to all the games. Just bought a street bike a week ago. Love old cats. (Have one in my garage). Did I mention funny??..
(Very funny and obviously interesting. He is trying. This is a huge PLUS. He's also good looking, so he's got that going for him. If they try in their letter and if they SHOW interest like this you bet they will show you interest once you're dating them. This is all a plus. Always look for someone putting in effort.)
4. Ok. I mailed THIS guy. He said, "Indeed I am a bit young, but it is nice to meet you nonetheless."
(He didn't say I was too old for him. ALWAYS Assume they want a reply. Always assume they want you. Bonus points for a big word. :P)
5. Hi. I'm doing well except for the fact that I'm at work and was woken up for a call. But it's OK because I got to see your cute little message. I'm a fan of brave juice myself, in moderation of course hehe... Is hehe OK? it's a modified version of haha but I think it's more personal than lol :-) I really liked your "about me." Especially how you give instructions on how to date, hilarious. But unlike you, I'm a horrible free writer; trust me, this message is time consuming and calculated ;-) Anyways I wanted to respond, it's not often I get a message from an attractive and intelligent girl. But time for me to get some much needed sleep. Hope to hear from ya again.
(Effort! Big effort and he even points out the fact that he makes an effort. With women we want to make some effort too, but we can't be as obvious about it. We're supposed to act a bit more aloof. We answer the phone at three rings and don't text back until 2 minutes have passed. Women, well . . each have their own rules for these things.)
6. Hey baby.
(If he/she's good looking. we show interest. Often they will write a letter back once they have the green light that they are good looking to you.)

Thursday, September 26, 2013


So, I recently have been contacted by several people, who suddenly for some reason have decided that I am someone that they seriously want to date - or marry. What? So, they pursue me in this long-term relationship and I am just left confused. I'm not supposed to date anyone else, just supposed to accept it.  This is the most irritating to me personally because I hate dealing with it. I don't want to reject a friend or hurt anyone. I don't like to do it. I don't want to send the guy who just had his heart broken into an unrelenting spiral.

However, I must think to myself as I write this even: Where were you for the last six, twelve, even twenty-four months ago? You never talk to me, write me, text me, even Facebook me or anything. In fact some of them have ignored me purposely when I've mailed them and then suddenly I am this person that they most want in the entire world. Really? You haven't even seen me for over a year and now that you are ready I should be ready and not only that but I should be ready for everything and it should be with you. What?

One guy took me on a date, a single date. I have not seen him for years. He takes me on one date and then he starts talking about our "relationship? Huh? Where was I when this relationship manifested? Do you think you're the only one in the world that I'm dating? You don't think I've dated anyone else since I saw you three years ago? Also, this same guy would not drop me off after the date. That was really hard, but I am nice. It took me a while, but I finally had to be firm and say, "Ok. You're going to drop me off here." Otherwise he'd have hung out at my house all night. And come on. I'm busy. I got lots of stuff to do, had to meet someone to rent my place and everything . . .

And the ex. Okay. I really used to like this guy a lot - and I mean I was really into him. I thought he was amazing back in the days. I did. However, that was short lived and for good reason. At the time I was fresh from my split. I admit I was needy. I needed validation and this guy really stepped up to that, so in that way he was helpful. However, he fought me at every turn as far as meeting me half way and/or even showing up on time. His job is a factor, but still, he could have taken me out more, and maybe done more things for me. He did some things, but didn't really make me a priority.

Anyway, back when I dated him years ago . . Right before Christmas I had to put down my kitty, Precious. I was heartbroken. I was sad. I called him for support. I had my kitty for over 14 years and this guy . . . he wouldn't give me a ride to the vet and help to support me in it. Ok. A major point in my life where I was lonely, alone and sad and he wouldn't even help me, because we were "not serious enough" yet. Really? I dumped him right there over the phone and until now I'd not heard from him.

And now? He found out I'm single again. I have had texts, pics, declarations . . . . Ugh.

"I want to see you. I miss you. Send me pics. Oh, you look great! I can't wait to see you," . . . etc. All from this person that couldn't even bother to take me to the vet when I most needed him.  I thought about it. I did. I've been thinking about it for a while, because I did really have a thing for him at one point - or maybe I didn't and I was just rebounding? I don't know that for sure, but I just can't do it. I can't even see him. I tried, but I just can not get over the pain of what he did to me so long ago. That behavior, although he regrets it, can not be overlooked. It does not reflect the kind of person that I want to be with. So deep in my heart he cut a piece out and I never really got it back. I healed, but that part of my heart is just not accessible to him now. This is exactly the reason why I am no longer in my marriage. Women need support. We need it to be obvious. We need someone who will be there, physically and emotionally. Sometimes we need someone to actually hold our hand. I don't believe this is purely a female thing. Men need this too. They are just more trained to "suck it up" than we are. That is what a relationship is for though. That's what it's supposed to be. You're supposed to be a team and help each other through life. Right?

And why would I settle for less than my ideal anyway? Why would I do that ever again? I have met some wonderful, very kind and thoughtful men, and I'm just not sure I could go back to dating someone that isn't thoughtful.  I would not settle for a neglectful person, no matter how cool they seem on paper.  So, wish me luck in all the rejections I will have to do this week. Ugh. And do not pity me. I'm single and dating, but I don't wish it on anyone. I don't.

If you find something good hold onto it, but always look for more, unless it's your ideal. Don't settle. It's really not worth it and in the end you pay so much more in heartache and time wasted. Don't settle.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Eight Year Old Dies

Are you glad to be an American? I am! Especially after reading this story today! My girls JUST turned eight years old and to me I can barely handle this news. Even if I didn't have kids I think it would bother me the same. This kind of news is so disturbing.

So, next time you think your life is hard, please reflect on poor Rawan and her very short life and the choices that were never given her.


Yemen: 8 year old girl dies from internal injuries on wedding night

See also

An eight year old bride in Yemen died from internal injuries on her wedding night, bleeding to death after deep vaginal tearing caused by sex with her 40 year old husband.
The girl, identified only by the name Rawan, died in Hardh in the governorate of Hajjah in northwestern Yemen, according to a report issued by UPI on Sunday, Sept. 8.
Activists in the region want to put an end to the practice of marrying young girls, and have called for police to arrest the girl's husband and family. Nevertheless, the forced marriage of child brides in Yemen remains a socially accepted custom in many rural areas.
Indeed, the practice has deep cultural and religious roots, and is widespread in Yemen. A February 2009 law set the minimum age for marriage at 17, but it was repealed after some conservative lawmakers called it un-Islamic.
In particular, a prominent Islamic cleric, Abdulmajeed al-Zindani, issued a fatwa in support of the practice, declaring supporters of a ban on child brides to beapostates, and ultimately leading a successful campaign against legislation that would prevent adult men from marrying children.
The issue of Yemen's child bride problem made headlines three years ago when an 8-year-old girl went to court, demanding a judge dissolve her marriage to a man in his 30s. The girl eventually won a divorce, and legislators began looking at ways to curb the practice. However, they have so far been unsuccessful. Currently the law states that parents should decide when a daughter marries.
Unfortunately, reports indicate more than a quarter of Yemen’s females marry before age 15.
For more political news, information and humor see Left Coast Lucy on Facebook. For more news, information and humor relevant to atheists, freethinkers, and secular humanists, see Progressive Secular Humanist Examiner on Facebook. On Twitter follow Progressive Examiner.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Cute, Crazy Pups

33 Dogs That Cannot Even Handle It Right NowOh no. Not John Mayer again. I just can't.

This dog who just CANNOT handle this water right now.

Aaaaa-aaaahh!! Who refilled the pool with COLD water? 

This dog that cannot physically wait any longer for this piece of food.  "Did you just say I could have that?"

"I find these new hats are exceptionally comfortable. I'm sure they will be in great fashion this season. If you have the means I highly suggest picking one up." This dog who can't handle this new hat he just bought at the thrift shop.
33 Dogs That Cannot Even Handle It Right NowI'm so excited! And I just can't hide it! And I know . . I know . . I know . . . I love the newpaper. Oh ya! This dog who is so freakin' happy, he just physically CANNOT."Hahahahahahahaha!
 I can't believe you said that!"
This dog who just CAN'T handle LIFE right now because everything is happening so much.
"Did you just say you're GLAD I had a bath? If only you knew the torment."
This dog who cannot handle her new necklace.

"Get it off! Can't you see it's attacking me?"  "Why won't you help me?"

This dog who CANNOT handle the number of jelly beans in front of him.
"I finally got that bacon I've been wanting!"
This dog who kinda looks like he's handling it right now, but deep down, he can't...he just can't handle it."Oh ya. They won't notice if there's just ONE missing. He he." 

"Right. These are baseless accusations! I am confident that my good reputation will be restored."
This dog who cannot DEAL in the face of these baseless accusations.

"Oh no. Not this again. Why do they always insist on smelling me everywhere?"Smelling everywhere.

"And then . . . . . she licked me."

  Haha! Oh. Haha!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

SumoPaint App

Very interesting folks. Check it out today.

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Powerful graphics editor for your web browser and pc
Watch a video OR Get the app
Free version available!

About Me

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I am a bit funny, crazy, sometimes serious and usually wise. I'm very creative and artistic. However my greatest gift in life is common sense.